Tuesday, September 4, 2012

GUTGAA!!! Meet and Greet Questions

-Where do you write?

I would love to snuggle in a chair big enough for my 5'9 frame to get lost in, with my laptop propped on my lap and my favorite drink (white chocolate mocha, soy milk 1 pump vanilla, 1 pump toffee nut, extra whip cream with my shots ristratto(i think that's spelled correct)) Thank God for Starbucks. Since I don't have that chair, I will curl up in my bed, on my couch, and yes at my local Starbucks, and allow my fantasy to spill out onto my computer.

-Quick. Go to your writing space, sit down and look to your left. What is the first thing you see?

Since I'm now sitting on my couch a place where I write often, to my left is my dinning room table. A place where I also creat, quality time over dinner with my family. My supportive husband and 2 of our 4 children, 2 girls and 2 boys, 1 of which is at our dinner table often.

-Favorite time to write?

Sunrise, the freshness of a new day not only inspires me to write in general but the WIP I'm working on today reminds me of sunrise, the way the clouds run away or around the beckoning sun, as I inhale taking in a new day I am energized and can spit out 10,000 words:)

-Drink of choice while writing?
As I stated earlier, Starbucks is my drug of choice. 

-When writing , do you listen to music or do you need complete silence?
My mind is like the hamster in a cage running on that little wheel, it's constantly moving rapidly. Yes, I listen to music and watch movies. If it's too quiet I can hear the squeaking:)

-What was your inspiration for your latest manuscript and where did you find it?
My love for all things mythical, and magical. Each day I get the chance to hide away in my fantasy world. I love it, I don't have to wait on my favorite show, I can create one in my head whenever I want.  

-What's your most valuable writing tip?
Get It In!!!  My biggest problem was editing my WIP, before it was completed I spent a year revising, over and over, and a year later I found myself still revising. Here in year 2 on this MS, I have decided to just write don't edit until I have completed this Ms, and then I will tackle editing 1 chapter at a time. 
For me, I work best if I don't focus on misppellings grammar and such just get the entire idea in.


Heather M Bryant said...

Get in! Is great advice! I wish I could shut down my inner critique and just enjoy writing but if I know something's wrong (misplaced comma, spelling error, whatever) I just have that nagging little feeling inside that shuts my creativity out.

Unknown said...

I can relate Heather, trust me it's like pulling teeth, but if I don't do it I;ll never complete this MS.

Charlie N. Holmberg said...

"If it's too quiet I can hear the squeaking."

Ha ha, love it. :)

Much luck on your WIP!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Charlie

Anonymous said...

Pushing through to the end of a draft is the hardest thing. My previous novel took 1 1/2 years to write a first draft because I kept going back and revising. The one I'm querying now I wrote in one month (NaNoWriMo) and then revised for four. Much more efficient not to revise while drafting!

Unknown said...

Michelle, thanks for stopping by I am looking first to my first nanowrimo, someone form my local writing group complete and indie published a novel she did in last years nanowrimo. Not editing while I write is what has save my MS and given it the chance to see it's end:) stop by and chat sometime

Angie Sandro said...

I had the same problem with editing while writing. I would write, then go back and edit the pages. I never got anywhere. Finally, I did the same thing you're doing. Write until the story is finished.

Once I finally learned how to self- edit as I wrote, I figured out how to go back and edit, but still move forward with the story. Having critique partners helped. Now, I write a chapter, edit it, then send it to my critique partners. Then move on. After a few days or a week, depending on how busy they are with their stories, they'll send my edited chapter back. By then I'll have another chapter ready for them. And vice versa.

That's how we roll, lol.

Anyway, I hope you have fun with GUTGAA. Sorry for the super long comment. It's morning, and I have my coffee.

Unknown said...

Hi Angie,
I am on a cofee hiatus for 1 month, pray for me. It is awesome to have critique partners, it's what I want most from GUTGAA the chance to connect with awesome writers for help on my ms. I think if I had the accountability of having to have a chapter ready after they critique one, it would help me to edit and still keep moving forward. We will see what the end of the month brings.
As always thanks for stopping by, and is there really a such thing as a too long comment :)

Beth said...

Hi Paula!! *waving* 10,000 words in a day. You're my shero!! I had to skip over that latte description, it made me drool! LOL!! Blessings 2 U!!!

Cynthia said...

Saying hello from GUTGAA...I too get sucked in by magic and myth though I like contemporary realism too--depends on my mood. Nice to meet you!

Tricia Skinner said...

Good luck in GUTGAA!


Juliana L. Brandt said...

I definitely agree with your advice! It's so important to turn off our inner editors until the first draft is compelte :)

katherineamabel said...

You're writing tip is so true. :) I didn't even read a single word of what I'd written on my first MS until I'd finished it. Only problem there though was that I immediately decided that wasn't the real start of the series, scrapped it, and started a new one!

Unknown said...

Beth, that mocha is better then it sounds I would advise you to try it, but I don't want to be the cause of your new addiction:)thanks for stopping by don't be a stranger(and too will take my own advise)

Unknown said...

Hi Cynthia,
Thanks for stopping by. thanks for stopping by don't be a stranger(and too will take my own advise)

Unknown said...

Thanks Trisha Good luck to you as well. thanks for stopping by don't be a stranger(and too will take my own advise)

Unknown said...

I know right it has helped me tremendously thanks for stopping by don't be a stranger(and too will take my own advise).

Unknown said...

Wow Katherine, is all I can say:)
thanks for stopping by don't be a stranger(and too will take my own advise)